31/09/21 –
Urgent Hybrid
"How can publishers keep making content available to the public in a prompt, appealing, and focused way"

"Speeding up workflows, allowing for experimental formats, making other voices heard, and reaching new audiences: many of these promises remain for a large part just that: promises."

"In short, urgency goes beyond the ‘now’ and connects to the afterlife of a publication; it understands quality not just as logically consistent and well-proven arguments, but also as alternative content structures; and asks to view positioning a publication not as getting as many clicks or conversions as possible, but primarily as finding and engaging the readers who care."
– Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing
(1) Is hybrid publishing more connected to marketing strategies or an anarchic form of publishing?

(2) Is urgency just connected to contemporary problems/issues/spectacles?
(3) Could you consider a combination of purely analog (there isn’t anything digital involved) mediums to be a hybrid publication as well?